Tiny Hands

Kami ay mga bata, hindi manggagawa! No more tools in our tiny hands! A blog about child labor and our efforts to stop it.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Child poverty

Read this view from a Napalese journalist on child poverty, domestic abuse, etc.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Forum on August 8

Fraternal Greetings!

We are wholeheartedly inviting you to a Forum and Orientation on Child Labor in Commercial Agriculture this coming 8th of August at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Tower Inn, E. Quirino Ave., Davao City.

This event aims to establish a collaborative effort among the different organizations from the government, non-government, church, socio-civic, student, youth, workers, women and children sectors to carry forward the coalition's advocacy and campaign meant to expose the worst forms of child labor in commercial agriculture and strive for the immediate eradication of the same.

Please do share with us a little of your time on this day and let your voice of inspiration and love penetrate the hearts of the children, people and government in our country.

Very truly yours,

Prof. Alehandro W. Apit
Executive Director
Kamalayan Development Foundation

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


What is the cause of child labor. Here is an answer from a report on Cameroon.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Bacolod sex scandals

Iloilo City Boy blogs on the sex scandals in Bacolod. It involved young teeners.

He believes that a lot of sex videos circulating in the Philippines today comes from Bacolod.

Paging our crusading Councilor of Bacolod, Jocelle Sigue.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Child labor - waning or growing?

I was in Iloilo City last week and I stayed at Amigo Terrace Hotel in the central business district. There are shops and business offices adjoining the hotel. One office I discovered at the mezzanine floor was that of World Vision which is dedicated to child labor.

Last June 30, I read in one local paper that World Vision held a forum on child labor. Had I known it earlier, I would have attended the event.

There are confusing reports about the state of child labor. Here is one saying its waning; the other one growing.