Tiny Hands

Kami ay mga bata, hindi manggagawa! No more tools in our tiny hands! A blog about child labor and our efforts to stop it.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Night commuters

The scavengers of Davao have their counterparts in Africa. In Davao, young kids from as far as Marilog District leave the outskirts of the city in late afternoon to raid the garbage bins of the city at night. They then hitchride on early morning buses to the hinterlands with their rubbish finds.

The same circumstance - but more brutal - prevails in northern Uganda's young children who would rather work at night to find refuge in urban centers than be left in their villages to become child soldiers.

American actor Don Cheadle stars in a new documentary "Journey Into Sunset" about these brave children known as "night commuters" which the outside world has failed to notice.


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